John Panousi

I feel like I have a second chance to build something. I feel young, excited and with a purpose! I'm in love with my vision again.
The best part of working with Laurie was her tearing up my belief that top athletes have a genetic advantage and that someone like myself has no business competing with them. This note Laurie mailed me changed my perspective and is now in my gym. Thank you so much!”


Paula Kielty

Improving athletic performance was the main driver for me starting this course but it ended up improving all aspects of my life including athletic performance. I say this with tongue in cheek but this course has really made me think about how I think!!! I came away with a deeper understanding of the mind body connection and how my thoughts instruct my body to support those thoughts. The goals I set for myself are much more meaningful, create energy, and build excitement as I now think about them as “growth not getting”. I can “see and feel” the goals I work toward. I have a framework when approaching workouts that prepares my body and mind which in turn gives me a feeling of confidence and control.

Aside from the athletic improvements such as PR’ing multiple lifts during the program and getting much better at toes to bar, I just feel like I became a better person from day one of workshop. Who am I, What do I stand for, What do I really want my life to be about. I was able to finally figure that out !


Rachael Hoogendoorn

I learned how to use what I’m already thinking to work for me rather than against me. I learned to become aware of and then (re)direct my thoughts to where I want to go and who I want to be. Identifying my paradigms rather than avoiding them brought my truths to the forefront. I was encouraged to acknowledge that every decision I make is a seed of who I am. Becoming who I want to be takes practice, repetition and patience. I learned how to do this in Performance On Point. We have more power than we know and to wield it responsibly can really take us to our wildest dreams!


Graham Robertson - ICR Commercial

Before working with On Point Coaching I just new there was the possibility or growing and achieving more. I was looking for my more.

My most significant discovery was how impactful our thoughts are. We really do create our circumstances.

My biggest change was awareness of how much I can change my life with my thinking. And how much I had created my life with my thinking up to this point.

The best part of the course was writing my life script and understanding the visualization of it.


Scotty Moore

I saw some of Laurie’s social media posts. What she was saying in them started to ring true as a next step.

A new and significant discovery made was the importance of purpose. It seems one has a vague sense of purpose at times, but it somehow gets clouded and hard to grasp. This course gives you tools to both discover it and refine it.

Gaining clarity between purpose and goals and learning how they compliment each when utilized correctly was a thought provoking and fun experience.

Performance On Point gave me some new tools to break down some pre-existing mental barriers, particularly in athletics and also in day to day life. As with anything those tools need to be sharpened and taken care of, and get tempered with one's own experiences. To say it is rewarding and humbling to continue on with this process would be an understatement.


Maddy Drader

Before starting Laurie's on point coaching, I was feeling a little lost on how I could step up my mental game as an athlete. Going through some major changes, setbacks, and injuries I needed a little more direction on how I could utilize areas outside the gym to help make me a better athlete. While I couldn't necessarily get better physically as an athlete, I could improve mentally. Working on my purpose statement, along with writing down core values, which were all part of the course, was very beneficial to both my athletic and personal development and something I really enjoyed. However, my greatest take-away was bringing my awareness to my unconscious mind. This awareness allowed me to understand myself on a deeper level and challenge limiting thoughts and beliefs that I have about myself. I am very thankful for Laurie as a coach for guiding me through her course and allowing me to become more in touch with my mental conditioning.

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Stephanie China

Prior to starting On Point Coaching with Laurie i had read a lot of books about mental strength but i was struggling to put it into practice in my training. This is not instantaneous but something that requires practice and is a now a part of my process.

The course really brought to light that i have power to control my own thoughts and turn my beliefs into the reality i control.

One of the biggest outcomes from the course is that is have started writing down my goals and have a clearer picture on how i am going to achieve them.

The best part of the course for me was getting to chat with Laurie on a weekly basis! Getting to hear about her past experiences and what practices she uses to continue to be at the top of her game. She is a true inspiration.


Marlie Rittinger

Flexible. Intuitive. Responsive. Caring.

From our first session together, Laurie helped me develop strategies, and identify areas where I could improve my mindset to help reach my potential. She is passionate about serving athletes and her knowledge has been pivotal in my growth as an athlete.